AFL Israel forms inaugural women’s squad

AFL Israel has established its first women’s team, based in Tel Aviv.

Members of Israel's first women's Aussie Rules football squad, with their coach Shir Maran (on left). Photos: Ezra Finkelstein
Members of Israel's first women's Aussie Rules football squad, with their coach Shir Maran (on left). Photos: Ezra Finkelstein

While men’s Aussie Rules football is well established in Israel – with a domestic club competition and a national team called the Israeli Beasts that competes in AFL Europe tournaments – the sport has entered 2025 by achieving a very important new milestone for its further growth.

AFL Israel has established its first women’s team, based in Tel Aviv.

The first training session was held in November and in recent weeks, there has been an encouragingly consistent turnout of 15 players per session.

The players are a healthy mix of Australian expats and Israeli-born women who are entirely new to the game.

AFL Israel co-founder and the team’s coach, Shir Maran, said the decision to establish the first women’s squad was inspired by the substantial success and strong growth of women’s footy in Australia.

“Amateur women’s team sports in Israel barely exist, compared to many other countries, where it has been flourishing, especially in the last few years,” Maran told The AJN.

“We aim to offer a fresh team in a new women’s sport here in Israel – all done in a positive and inclusive environment that is synonymous with AFL Israel.

“And all women are welcome to join.”

Israeli-born player Mushka Latuchy said that while she considers herself an athletic person, she “never had the opportunity to play team sports, until this women’s footy team started”.

Players go through their paces at a training session in Tel Aviv last month.

“The experience so far has been amazing and the girls all share a common love for sport.

“So it’s not only great fun, but it also connects us as a team.”

Sydney native, Liora, added, “We started as a group of strangers who wanted to play, enjoy and connect and we are no longer strangers.

“It didn’t take very long to make some great friends and have some laughs and it has become the highlight of my week.”

Looking ahead, Moran said the women’s team is focused on developing players’ skills, fitness and their knowledge of the finer tactical aspects of the game.

“A first AFL Israel women’s intra-squad scrimmage game is set to be held before the end of the Israeli winter, with the goal of the team entering its first international competition later in 2025,” he said.

The team is so new that it is yet to have an official name and mascot.

Other priorities for it are further building its player base and looking for support through potential sponsorships from Australia and particularly from Melbourne – home of AJAX Football Club’s women’s team, the Jackettes.

Meanwhile, in the further forging of ties between our two nations through sport, AFL Israel joined forces with the Arava Australia Partnership late last month by running an introductory footy clinic for more than 150 students at the Shitim Darca School in the Central Arava town of Sapir.

To find out more about AFL Israel, follow them at


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