All change at GBH and FKI

Mount Scopus Memorial College has announced the creation of a dedicated year 3 Discovery Centre.

Max Steinhardt, Sierra Mimeran and Kaelee Hope enjoying Book Week at Fink
Karp Ivany campus.
Max Steinhardt, Sierra Mimeran and Kaelee Hope enjoying Book Week at Fink Karp Ivany campus.

MOUNT Scopus Memorial College has announced a significant change to its lower primary campuses, and the creation of a dedicated Discovery Centre for year 3.

Previously, children in all years up to year 2 were split between the Fink Karp Ivany (FKI) campus in South Caulfield, and Gandel Besen House in East St Kilda. 

Although this worked well in the past, Mount Scopus has concluded that the duplication is no longer the best model for the needs of the college and its community. Instead, commencing in 2021, all primary children in prep and years 1 and 2 will be educated at Gandel Besen, and year 3 students will enjoy their own unique facilities at FKI.

Buses will run between the two campuses at the start and end of each day to maximise convenience for parents.

Mount Scopus principal, Rabbi James Kennard, said “A dedicated year 3 Discovery Centre will allow us to provide facilities and a tailored program to bring out the very best in this year group – which truly marks the transition from the ‘infant’ to the ‘senior’ part of their primary education.”

Deputy principal and head of the primary school Greg Hannon commented; “Planned facilities to be used by the year 3 students include an Innovations Lab which will give hands-on experience with the technologies of the future, such as robotics, 3D printing and coding; a ropes course providing both fun and physical challenge, and a kitchen garden, where children can ‘learn by doing’ about horticulture, nutrition and cooking.” 

An increased use of Hebrew, children having greater input into the running of “their” campus, and pastoral care targeted at this age group will be other benefits.

Scopus believes that the new arrangement will create a more efficient use of resources, and will provide a greater number of places for children.

Earlier this year, Scopus announced a long-term plan to move its main campus to the site of Caulfield Hospital. 

“That move will facilitate a very significant reconfiguration of our campuses,” explained college president Amy Hershan. “But that project will take many years until completion, and in the interim we are fully committed to using and maintaining our existing campuses. So, although the year 3 Discovery Centre is not directly part of the Caulfield plan, the bringing together of all children in lower primary and the integration into ‘one Scopus’ sets the scene for even greater alignment in the future.”

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