Biden vows to use all US power to stop nuclear Iran
Leaders sign ‘Jerusalem Declaration,’

US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid signed a joint strategic declaration last Thursday in Jerusalem, in which the US vowed to use “all elements in its national power” to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
“The United States stresses that integral to this pledge is the commitment never to allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, and that it is prepared to use all elements of its national power to ensure that outcome,” reads the text of the statement, officially known as the Jerusalem US–Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration.
“The United States further affirms the commitment to work together with other partners to confront Iran’s aggression and destabilising activities, whether advanced directly or through proxies and terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” it stated.
But in joint comments at a press conference after signing the declaration, Biden and Lapid expressed a public disagreement over the best way to tackle the Iran threat, with Lapid telling the American leader, “Words will not stop them, Mr President,” and urging him to “put a credible military threat on the table”.
On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the two countries committed to “continuing to discuss the challenges and opportunities in Israeli-Palestinian relations”, and condemned Hamas and recent terrorist attacks.
However, notably only Biden affirmed his “longstanding and consistent support” of a two-state solution.
While Lapid himself supports the two-state framework, he heads a caretaker government that includes right-wing parties opposed to Palestinian statehood. Accordingly, he has avoided voicing his support for the proposal since taking office.
Both sides committed to strengthening the Palestinian economy and improving the quality of life of Palestinians.
The declaration reaffirms “the unbreakable bonds between our two countries and the enduring commitment of the United States to Israel’s security”.
The US also declared that its commitments to Israel are “bipartisan and sacrosanct”, adding that they are also of great importance to US security.
The declaration contains a US commitment to fully implement the terms of the historic $38 billion memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed in 2016, and a recognition that a follow-on MOU should reflect new threats and circumstances.
“Israel appreciates the US commitment to the MOU and for providing an additional $1 billion over MOU levels in supplemental missile defence funding following the 2021 conflict,” the declaration read.
The two sides also vowed cooperation in “cutting-edge defence technologies such as high energy laser weapons systems to defend the skies of Israel and in the future those of other US and Israel security partners”.
While in Israel, Biden toured a Defence Ministry display of Israel’s multi-tier air defence systems, including an in-development high-powered laser interception system dubbed Iron Beam.
Biden and Lapid found common language in the declaration on the Russia-Ukraine war, which Israel has been far less strident about than the US in its condemnations of Moscow. Israel declined to join Western sanctions against Russia and has not sent the offensive aid requested by Kyiv.
“The United States and Israel reiterate their concerns regarding the ongoing attacks against Ukraine, their commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and affirmed the importance of continued humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine,” reads the declaration.
The statement also included a firm denunciation of doycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns, and efforts to unfairly single out Israel in the United Nations or the International Criminal Court.
“The two countries will use the tools at their disposal to fight every scourge and source of antisemitism and to respond whenever legitimate criticism crosses over into bigotry and hatred or attempts to undermine Israel’s rightful and legitimate place among the family of nations,” the declaration read.
In the declaration, Biden and Lapid also expressed their appreciation for Lapid’s predecessor, alternate prime minister Naftali Bennett, “who led the most diverse government in Israel’s history, and under whose leadership this extraordinary partnership has continued to grow stronger”.
“The United States and Israel affirm that among the values the countries share is an unwavering commitment to democracy, the rule of law, and the calling of ‘Tikkun Olam,’ repairing the world,” read the declaration, invoking the Jewish doctrine.