Celebrating the High Holy Days together
'The strength of a united community'
For the past two years, shules across Melbourne have been closed for the High Holy Days, with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur observed at home. This year the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) has coordinated a community-wide campaign called “Project High Holy Days – Together.”
The RCV ran Project High Holy Days (PHH) virtually throughout COVID-19 and the various Victorian lockdowns, however to mark the reopening of shules and to celebrate that the community can enjoy the festivities in person, the campaign run by Victoria’s congregational rabbis has been revamped.
The project aims to unite the community with all RCV affiliated shules sharing their events during this time. There is a specific PHH website on which events from Orthodox shules around Victoria will be easily found in one place, and attendance will be encouraged by any and all.
“Although we anticipate thousands of Melbourne Jews attending services this year, each in their respective shules, we are keen to re-enact the incredible sense of unity that Project High Holy Days brought to the community,” said Rabbi Mendy Ajzenszmidt of South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation. “At the end of the day, we are all one community.”
Rabbi Motty Liberow of Hamerkaz Centre told The AJN, “If there’s one thing that we have learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the strength of a united community. The deeper sense of pride and connection created when we all join together as one.”
More info: phh.org.au