Speedy matchmaking

‘Datenight’ ends the shidduch crisis

Datenight enables like-minded singles to connect over seven-minute video dates.

Adinah and Ron met through Datenight: now a happy family.
Adinah and Ron met through Datenight: now a happy family.

Datenight, a virtual speed dating platform, built by a New Yorker who now lives in Israel, has run over 300 speed dating events around the world.

As a dating startup revolutionising the way singles meet online Datenight is launching its community-centric platform in Australia on August 21.

Coincidently the date is Tu b’Av, a minor Jewish holiday said to be an auspicious day for weddings which is celebrated in Israel as a holiday of love.

Datenight enables like-minded singles to connect over seven-minute video dates.

The participants fill out a short form to set their dating criteria such as age, location, religious affiliation, and have up to seven online dates in an hour, about 6-7 minutes each.

Once the dates are over they fill out a feedback form and if both contributors want a second date, they receive each other’s contact information.

During their online time together, people get an understanding of who someone is and have a real interaction before committing to going on a date, which can reduce the exhaustion that sometimes comes through dating.

No swiping, just real human interactions based on shared values.

Rachel, 35, from the US, said, “Good guys, wide range from different locales and countries, [an] easy, fast, way to meet people I may not otherwise meet.”

“Our system takes care of all the tech, you only have to register and show up,” a company spokesperson said.

Datenight is hoping to connect over five thousand Jews on the single virtual speed dating event on that August date.

Firstly at 9pm Israel time, secondly at 8pm in America, Canada, and South America and finally at 10am in Australia.

“Last year we had over 3000 people join, and this year we are going bigger and better and reaching more places than ever before,” the spokesperson said.

“We are running this event with Partners in Torah and are connecting with other large Jewish organisations from around the world such as Masa, the Australian Jewish Association, Telfed and Nefesh B’Nefesh to make it happen.”

Gad, 26, UK, commented, “Far better and more enjoyable than traditional swiping style online dating.”

Adena, 29, Israel, “This is my first time doing this and I truly am beyond impressed by the process and the quality of guys on this platform.”

The Datenight launch is on Wednesday, August 21 at 10am online. For more information go to tubav2024.com/ajn

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