Fundraising for Israel

Donations instead of bar mitzvah gifts

The Raleighs were so proud of Luke for his willingness to donate his bar mitzvah money to someone going through an incredibly hard time.

Luke Raleigh raised funds for a family in Israel. Photo: supplied
Luke Raleigh raised funds for a family in Israel. Photo: supplied

It is important to Mel Raleigh as a Jewish mother to instil the importance of tzedakah in her children.

When discussing her son Luke’s bar mitzvah some months ago, Luke and his parents agreed to request donations for a family who had been severely impacted by October 7 events.

Through a contact in Israel, the Raleighs heard about a family of parents and four boys from Kibbutz Be’eri.

Two boys, the same age as their youngest sons, were the only surviving family members.

“We wanted to have a meaningful impact on one family and let them know that we in Australia were thinking of them, wanting to support them financially with whatever they needed and hopefully meet the boys when we visit Israel in the future,” Mel explained.

The Raleighs were so proud of Luke for his willingness to donate his bar mitzvah money to someone going through an incredibly hard time.

At his bar mitzvah Luke said, “One of the important parts of the portion [Ki Teitzei] that I read just now is about the eternal enemy of the Jews, Amalek …we must always be aware that not everyone in the world are big fans of the Jews.

“I wanted my barmi to have a connection to Israel and to the two boys we are helping.”

He went on to share that the eldest of the two surviving boys had his bar mitzvah a few months ago and that he could not imagine how he must have felt unable to be with his parents and older brothers.

“Your donations will help him and his brother with anything they need in the future,” Luke said to his guests.

“Thank you for helping me support them during this tough time.”

The family set up a page in Mycause and when the page was closed there was a total of $10,300 in donations to send to the two Israeli boys.

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