Our say

Fighting hate

Congratulations to US President Joe Biden and his administration for taking the threat of antisemitism seriously, and in particular, recognising the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism as part of the solution.

In 2023, antisemitism is not only still present, but a growing scourge globally. While its strategy is far from perfect, it is pleasing to see the Biden administration has recognised this and is acting accordingly.

It needs to be made clear that antisemitism does not just exist on the far-right. It has no political home.

That is why IHRA is so important. It defines traditionally understood forms of antisemitism as well as other forms that come from the left under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Contrary to claims made by its detractors, it has been carefully and thoughtfully drafted to ensure legitimate criticism of Israel cannot be considered antisemitic.

With a meeting imminent to discuss the United Nations Plan of Monitoring Antisemitism and Enhancing a System-Wide Response, we urge the world body to heed the calls of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council and 178 other Jewish organisations globally to also recognise the importance of IHRA as a tool in defining and fighting antisemitism.

Here at home, we laud the Australian government and the various state legislatures that have embraced IHRA. We also commend the efforts of the federal Parliamentary Friends of IHRA for advocating for the definition’s adoption in public life, in particular at our universities. Those campuses that have done so can be proud that they have stood up against this vile hatred; we urge those who have not yet done so to adopt it as a matter of urgency, and those who have rejected it to do some soul-searching and rectify their mistake.

No one can identify and define what antisemitism is except for Jews. No one else has the right to except for Jews.

We would not expect any other minority group to accept having others decide what constitutes hatred or discrimination against them.

If IHRA is good enough for the leader of the free world – from the centre-left Democrats at that – then anyone who thinks they themselves have a right to define antisemitism for us is sorely deluded.

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