JCA recognises contributions
George Freund has received the JCA Hal Goldstein Lifetime Service Award for outstanding service to the NSW and ACT communities.
JCA honoured three stalwarts for their outstanding contributions to the community at a special ceremony at the Jewish International Film Festival (JIFF) last Thursday.
George Freund (pictured right with JCA acting CEO Alain Hasson), who received the Hal Goldstein Lifetime Service Award for outstanding service to the NSW and ACT Communities, has been a volunteer for more than 60 years and has volunteered across youth movements, synagogues, JCA and many other community organisations. He has spent the last 10 years volunteering with COA NSW, including five years as president.
The Shofar Award for outstanding service to the Jewish Community was awarded to Liz Sharota, who has been volunteering with JewishCare for over 20 years and played a fundamental role in the development of Print35 into the thriving enterprise it is today.
The winner of the Mensch Award was Marika Pogany, who has volunteered for COA for 23 years and personally delivered more than 12,000 Kosher Meals on Wheels to members of the community.