
Justin Amler – Adelaide Writers’ Week must not embrace anti-Semitic hate

Maurice Klein speaks with Justin Amler, policy analyst at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) and L’Chaim – To Life regular contributor about the Writers Week at the upcoming Adelaide Festival 2023 in early March. Justin with his co policy analyst at AIJAC Tammy Reznik, most recently had an important article in The Australian newspaper, “Writers Festival must not embrace anti-Semitic hate” which has raised the concerns of many in the community regarding a number of clearly hateful, anti-Israel anti-Semitic writers, who have been invited to participate at Writers Week https://aijac.org.au/op-ed/writers-festival-must-not-embrace-anti-semitic-hate . Not one writer from Israel is on the Writers Week guest list, which begs the question: “Why?!”.  Australia’s has hate laws with lots of precedent for banning people and cancelling visas on “character grounds” as we heard during the interview, some of the so-called writers at this year’s Writers Week should be considered for cancellation.   Follow Justin Amler and AIJAC on Facebook.


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Am Yisrael Chai   PEACE  L’Chaim

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