Mazal Tov to our honourees
A diverse group of Jewish recipients have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours. Mazal tov to all who have made our community proud.

26 diverse Jewish Australians have been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours for their outstanding service and contributions to society. More coverage in this week’s AJN.
Dr Alan Finkel (Victoria)
For eminent service to science, to national energy innovation and research infrastructure capability, to climate change and COVID-19 response initiatives, and to science and engineering education.

Dr Tom Beer (Victoria)
For distinguished service to science, particularly environmental risk, climate processes and sustainability, through research organisations.
Prof Leslie Burnett (NSW)
For significant service to pathology, to medical research, and to professional societies.

Prof Mark Hertzberg (NSW)
For significant service to haematology, to tertiary education, and to research.
Prof Leslie Michael Irwig (NSW)
For significant service to tertiary education as an epidemiologist.
Lee Liberman (Victoria)
For significant service to the Jewish community through not-for-profit and education organisations.
Dr Michael Liffman (Victoria)
For significant service to tertiary education, the not-for-profit sector, and visual arts.
Emeritus Professor Arie Rotem (NSW)
For significant service to tertiary education, and to public health.
The late Dr Geoffrey Symonds (NSW)
For significant service to medical research, particularly through gene therapy.
Alan Wein (Victoria)
For significant service to business, and to the community.
Rachel Argaman (NSW)
For service to the tourism and hospitality industry.

Gregory Blashki (Victoria)
For service to the Jewish community.
John Chaskiel (Victoria)
For service to the community through Holocaust education and understanding.
Ian Davis (Victoria)
For service to the community, and to the law.
Michael Debinski (Victoria)
For service to the community through a range of roles.
Louise Dyskin (Victoria)
For service to the Jewish community.
The late Kuba Enoch (NSW)
For service to the community through education.

Jessica Fox (NSW)
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.
Roger Frankel (Victoria)
For service to public administration and international relations.
Andy Gild (Victoria)
For service to the community through charitable organisations.
Daniel Hakim (Israel)
For service to the international community through a range of roles.
Myer Herszberg (Victoria)
For service to the Jewish community.
Jamie Hyams (Victoria)
For service to local government, and to the community of Glen Eira.
Alan Joffe (NSW)
For service to the Jewish community.
Robert Pataki (Victoria)
For service to the design industry.
Arnold Shmerling (Victoria)
For service to the Jewish community.
Lane Shmerling (Victoria)
For service to the community through a range of roles.