Rosh Hashanah

Rachel’s card came up trumps

On behalf of The AJN team, we wish our readers and the entire community a Shana Tova U’Metukah – a happy, healthy and sweet new year.

Last year's winner, Rachel Feldman with her winning Rosh Hashanah card. 
Photo: Peter Haskin
Rachel Feldman with her winning Rosh Hashanah card. Photo: Peter Haskin

CONGRATULATIONS and mazal tov to Rachel Feldman who beat hundreds of entries from across the country to win The AJN’s 5782 Rosh Hashanah card competition.

The 10-year-old student, whose favourite subject at school is art, said she loves being creative because it gives her an opportunity to tune out, and not think about subjects such as maths!

“Drawing on paper is my favourite medium because it allows me to be free with my design,” Rachel told The AJN.

The year 5 Mount Scopus Memorial College student isn’t sure if she wants to be the next Rembrandt or Picasso when she leaves school, saying, “At the moment, I just want to have fun with my art.” Wowing the judges with her entry, Rachel explained, “I wanted to use the Rosh Hashanah symbols in my own way and be a bit different,” adding that her aim was to be “unique and give the fruit personalities”.

As for Rosh Hashanah, she said she’s really looking forward to spending time with her family and enjoying her bubba’s gefilte fish!

AJN national editor Zeddy Lawrence said, “We were overwhelmed by both the quality and quantity of the entries we received for this year’s competition, and the judges faced a really tough choice.

“What we really liked about Rachel’s card and what really stood out for us was the detail, in particular the way she brought the apple and the pomegranate to life.”

Rachel’s winning entry is The AJN’s official Rosh Hashanah card for 5782, sent to communal and political leaders, including the Prime Minister of Australia and the President of Israel.

A selection of our favourite entries are published in this week’s Rosh Hashanah magazine, included in this week’s paper. On behalf of The AJN team, we wish our readers and the entire community a Shana Tova U’Metukah – a happy, healthy and sweet new year.

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