
Robbie Simons – The Melbourne Holocaust Museum has a call-out for survivor testimonies

Maurice Klein speaks with Robbie Simons, who is the manager of digital storytelling at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum, which has been dedicated to amplifying the voices of Holocaust survivors since its establishment in 1984. With the number of Holocaust survivors declining every passing year, the Melbourne Holocaust Museum (MHM) has launched a final push to reach Australian survivors who have not yet recorded their testimony with them. There are still many survivors who have not recorded their testimony because they did not identify as a survivor or were not in a position to share their experiences. If you, or someone you know, have not yet recorded their survivor testimony at the MHM; if you, or someone you know fled or lived under Nazi rule from 1933, the MHM is interested in hearing from you. Now is the time to share your story, to preserve Holocaust history in the collective memory of the MHM. For further information or to register go to: https://mhm.org.au/histories-untold/

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