Shalom families receive Stories for Simon

Stories for Simon speaks of love, understanding and the unification of two cultures through stories.

Selah Gregor receiving her Stories for Simon book.
Selah Gregor receiving her Stories for Simon book.

SHALOM is excited to share the book Stories for Simon with registered families in honour of NAIDOC week.

Written by Lisa Sarzin and illustrated by Lauren Briggs, Shalom has shared Stories for Simon as a tool to start conversations about reconciliation, through the generous funding of the JCA Social Justice Fund.

Stories for Simon speaks of love, understanding and the unification of two cultures through stories.

“Jewish wisdom is replete with teachings of empathy, care and embracing, and the Jewish community of Australia should be at the forefront of the fight to recognise and reconcile with First Nations people,” said Rabbi Alon Meltzer, director of programs at Shalom.

Sarzin and Briggs published Stories for Simon in 2015 after being deeply moved by the National Apology to the Stolen Generations and wanting to find a way to teach their own children about the Stolen Generations.

Shalom hopes that this book is not only a journey for children but also for parents, and that it becomes a long-serving resource for families.

A QR code on the cover of each book which will take readers to a dedicated Shalom page rich with content, videos and Jewish middot (values or virtues) curated specifically for this book.

Each Jewish value is linked to those of the First Nations people, illustrating connections and shared wisdom between the two cultures.

“All of us have a heritage that began in distant lands and faraway seas; our First Nations people have always been here, and have a deep connection to this land,” said Rabbi Meltzer.

“We should ensure that we learn about them, that connection and our own values in that journey.”

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