Students return to the classroom
'Our school community rose to the challenge of virtual learning. Now we all look forward to coming back to school'.
MELBOURNE’S Jewish schools have announced various plans in order to see students gradually fill classrooms again with the aim of having all pupils back to on-campus learning by Tuesday, June 9.
Following the Premier’s announcement and advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer last week, Mount Scopus, Bialik and Leibler Yavneh Colleges will shift back to face-to-face learning in staged phases. On Monday, prep-year 2, and years 10-12 will return to school campuses, while years 3-9 will continue with remote leaning until June 9.
Mount Scopus principal Rabbi James Kennard said, “With measures in place such as extra cleaning, appropriate social distancing, staggered recess and lunch and much more, we will be ensuring that students can return to a happy and safe environment, which is where they belong. The corridors have been silent for too long.”

Yavneh principal Cherylyn Skewes concurred, adding, “The health and wellbeing of our staff and students together with the continuity of learning remain our priorities.”
In a letter sent to parents, Bialik College principal Jeremy Stowe-Lindner and president Kate Beaconsfield said, “We are counting the days to welcoming all of our children back to their Bialik home.”
While on-campus education will also begin at The King David School (KDS) on Monday, it will take a different form with year levels attending school on alternating days. Distance education is due to be phased out by the end of next week, with all students set to return to their normal timetable as of June 1.
“We could not be prouder of our students who have shown great resilience and flexibility throughout the distance learning period,” said KDS principal Marc Light.
Meanwhile, Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges have developed a five phase plan towards onsite learning. From Monday to Thursday, year levels will be on campus with the exception of years 3-9. The following week, another year level will return each day. By June 9 all students and creche children are anticipated to be back in the classroom.
“Our school community rose to the challenge of virtual learning. Now we all look forward to coming back to school,” said principal Dr Shimon Waronker.
Prep to year 2 students at Sholem Aleichem College will return to school next week, with year 6 to join on June 3, and years 4-6 on June 9.
Enthused Sholem principal Helen Greenberg, “We are committed to rebuilding a sense of community, looking after the emotional wellbeing of students and staff as we reintegrate into class based learning.”