Students take ownership
The aim of the special event is fostering a sense of community and Jewish pride.
Caulfield Shule’s special Shabbat dinner Ignite Friday Night organised by year 12 students and hosted by the shule is entering its third year.
The aim of the special event is fostering a sense of community and Jewish pride.
It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to stay connected, find inspiration, and deepen their Jewish identity.
Rabbi Rabin said he sees this event as a cornerstone for our youth.
“Ignite Friday Night allows our young people to take ownership of their Jewish experience, creating a space where they can celebrate Shabbat together and feel a strong connection to their heritage and community,” he explained.
“We look forward to another successful year of bringing our students together in celebration and unity.”
Nina Page, Scopus school captain said, “The Ignite Friday Night meeting was awesome. It is so beautiful that in today’s world we are creating a space for all Jewish year 12 students to come together for a memorable evening. I am so excited for everyone to be together, and it was a wonderful night away from our studies at school.”
Charli Guss from McKinnon said, “I’m really looking forward to having a chance to spend time with Jewish kids that are my age, as coming from a non-Jewish school I do not get that opportunity very often and I am also very excited to have this experience in a Jewish environment.”