Top class VCE results
As ATAR scores were released in Victoria on Monday, December 12, it became apparent that Melbourne’s Jewish day schools produced extraordinary results.
AS Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) scores were released on Monday morning, it became apparent that Melbourne’s Jewish day schools had once again produced an extraordinary set of results.
Mount Scopus College student Jordan Berman and Yeshivah College student Eitan Schachna were among just 35 students across Victoria to receive a perfect ATAR of 99.95, while dozens of Jewish students landed themselves in the top percentile with scores above 99.
At Yeshivah, a whopping 78 per cent of the year 12 cohort scored above 90, while 44 per cent were above 95. Thirty-two per cent of study scores were over 40, including four perfect study scores of 50. The median study score was 38.
Bialik College also saw a spectacular set of results this year, with 67 per cent of its cohort scoring 90 or above; 48 per cent scored 95 and above, placing them in the top five per cent of the state; and 13.6 per cent scored above 99. In terms of study scores, there were eight perfect 50s, and 44 per cent over 40. The median study score was 39.
Beth Rivkah Ladies College finished with flying colours too, with 54 per cent of its students managing an ATAR above 90, and 30.4 per cent of study scores 40 or above. The median study score was 36.
Similarly, at Leibler Yavneh College, 53 per cent of the class attained an ATAR score of 90 or above, 36 per cent managed 95 or above, and 11 per cent placed in the top percentile with a score of 99 or above.
Meanwhile, at Mount Scopus, 52 per cent of students achieved a score of 90 or above, 33 per cent over 95, and seven per cent over 99. Strikingly, 10 perfect study scores were achieved across five subjects. The median study score was 37, with 35.5 per cent of study scores over 40.
The King David School polled strongly with 37 per cent of ATARs above 90, 25 per cent above 95, and 10 per cent above 99. Meanwhile, 23 per cent of all study scores were above 40, including five perfect 50s. The school’s median study score was 35.
Statewide school rankings, in which Jewish schools are routinely featured in the top 10, are released today (Thursday).
Full coverage in this week’s AJN.