Second round of hostages – 13 Israeli, 4 foreign nationals – freed to Israel

After much delay and anticipation, the second round of hostages have been released from Gaza. The group includes 8 children and 5 women.

Israeli hostages released on November 25, 2023: Top from L-R: Sharon Avigdori and her daughter Noam, siblings Alma and Noam Or; middle: Hila Rotem, Emily Hand, Shiri Weiss and her daughter Noga; bottom: Adi Shoham and children Yahel and Naveh, Maya Regev, and Shoshan Haran. (Photos: Courtesy; combination image: Times of Israel)
Israeli hostages released on November 25, 2023: Top from L-R: Sharon Avigdori and her daughter Noam, siblings Alma and Noam Or; middle: Hila Rotem, Emily Hand, Shiri Weiss and her daughter Noga; bottom: Adi Shoham and children Yahel and Naveh, Maya Regev, and Shoshan Haran. (Photos: Courtesy; combination image: Times of Israel)

(THE TIMES OF ISRAEL) The second round of released hostages – 13 Israeli hostages and four foreign nationals – been freed a short time ago.

Israeli hostages released on November 25, 2023, include:

• Shoshan Haran, 67
• Her daughter Adi Shoham, 38, and Adi’s children Yahel, 3, and Naveh, 8
• Shiri Weiss, 53 and her daughter, Noga Weiss, 18
• Maya Regev, 21
• Hila Rotem, 12
• Emily Hand, 9
• Noam Or, 17 and Alma Or, 13
• Noam Avigdori, 12, and her mother Sharon Avigdori, 52

Israeli hostages released on November 25, 2023: Top from L-R: Sharon Avigdori and her daughter Noam, siblings Alma and Noam Or; middle: Hila Rotem, Emily Hand, Shiri Weiss and her daughter Noga; bottom: Adi Shoham and children Yahel and Naveh, Maya Regev, and Shoshan Haran. (Photos: Courtesy; combination image: Times of Israel)

Most of the Israeli hostages are believed to have been abducted from Kibbutz Be’eri.

The Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan says it will be receiving 12 of the Israeli hostages just released from Gaza.

Maya Regev, 21, is being taken to the nearer Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba since she is in need of urgent medical treatment, although sources say her life is not in danger. Regev was kidnapped from the Supernova music festival in Re’im with her brother, Itai, 18, who remains in captivity.

The hostages’ families will meet them at the hospitals in specially designated areas.

An image has since been released of Emily Hand, 9, and Hila Rotem, 12, reuniting with their family members.

Emily Hand (second from right) reunites with her father, Tom Hand (right) while Hila Rotem (second from left), whose mother is still held hostage, reunites with family members in the early hours of November 26, 2023. (Courtesy; clause 27a of the copyright law)

Emily, whose mother died when she was a toddler, meets her father, Tom, while Hila, whose mother is still held hostage in Gaza, meets her uncle and another family member.

A statement from the Israel Defense Forces confirmed the released hostages confirmed are now in Israeli territory, and are being escorted by special forces and the Shin Bet after undergoing an initial medical assessment.

“Our forces are accompanying the released hostages until they reach their families in the hospitals,” the statement says.

“The commanders of the IDF and its soldiers salute and embrace the returning hostages upon their return home,” it continues. “We will continue to work together with the defense establishment’s bodies for the return of all the hostages,” the statement adds.

The IDF also asks the public to “show patience and sensitivity and respect the privacy of released hostages and their families.”

Meanwhile, sources in Israel have accused Hamas of violating the terms of the truce deal by releasing a child without her mother.

Hila Rotem, 12, was freed tonight but her mother, Raya Rotem, 54, remains a hostage in Gaza.

Israeli sources say that this discrepancy was one of the sticking points during the delays and disagreements earlier today.

Mother and daughter Raya and Hila Rotem, taken captive by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 from their home in Kibbutz Be’eri. Hila was released on November 26, 2023. (Courtesy)

First photos emerge of hostages after their release from Gaza

First photos have emerged of the hostages released tonight from Gaza, who have now crossed into Israel.

The images show a number of Israeli and foreign hostages, including 9-year-old Emily Hand and Shoshan Haran, 67.

Some of the 17 hostages released from Gaza late on November 25, 2023. (The Times of Israel: Social media used in accordance with clause 27a of the copyright law)

Among the freed hostages is Emily Hand, 9, initially thought to have been among those killed in the attack on Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7. Emily was at a sleepover at a friend’s house on the kibbutz when she was abducted without any family.

Noam Or, 17 and Alma Or, 13, were taken hostage by Hamas terrorists from their home in Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7, alongside their father Dror Or, 48, and their cousin, Liam Or, 18. Mother Yonat Or was killed in the attack. Dror and Liam are assumed to remain as hostages in Gaza.

Noam, left, and Alma Or, two siblings taken captive by Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 from their home in Kibbutz Be’eri (The Times of Israel: Courtesy)

Noam Avigdori, 12, and her mother Sharon Avigdori, along with some 10 members of their extended family, were abducted from Kibbutz Be’eri. A number of family members were killed that day.

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