A changing journey
All Jewish children, regardless of what school they attend, deserve a Jewish education.
Celebrating its 112th birthday this year, BJE remains committed to preserving the original vision of its founders – that all Jewish children who attend non-Jewish day schools have access to meaningful and formal Jewish education.
However, BJE is also committed to 21st century learning practices, through the newly-developed Jewish Journey into Jewish Life vision that focuses on each child, student and family connecting in a way that is meaningful to them. This includes formative experiential programs that will inspire and engage students, build Jewish friendship networks and encourage and empower them to learn about their heritage and actively participate in the Jewish community.
Experiential Jewish education is the process of teaching Jewish life and Jewish values by building meaningful experiences that connect traditional methods of study with physical and emotional interactions.
BJE has employed a team of dynamic young madrichim (youth leaders), including many BJE alumni from diverse backgrounds, to breathe new life into Jewish education and engagement and personalise connections for each individual student. They also organise social events such as Milkshake Madness, movie nights, lunch clubs, Shabbatons, holiday programs, camps and so much more. They bring a creative and vibrant energy to BJE’s learning and social programs.
If you have a child attending a non-Jewish school, or want to find out more about the Jewish Journey, head to www.bje.org.au, follow @nswbje or call (02) 9365 7900.