The beauty of creation

A lifelong fascination with the creative process

'Whether you compose music, write literature, sing, or paint or sculpt – the act of creation is the thing that’s absolutely amazed me'

Norman Rosenblatt with the collection

Titled Eyes That See, the upcoming exhibition of Norman Rosenblatt’s collection at Bayside Gallery invites audiences to see the beauty of creation but goes far beyond what simply meets the eye.

Driven by a passion for art and the belief that artworks are necessary companions in daily life, Rosenblatt has built a distinctive collection that crosses media, time periods and interests.

Uniquely personal, his collection demonstrates a collecting philosophy that is centred on a genuine engagement with art and artists that spans over 60 years.

“The act of creation is the thing that absolutely astounds me, how human beings can create such marvellous things,” Rosenblatt told The AJN.

“Whether you compose music, write literature, sing, or paint or sculpt – the act of creation is the thing that’s absolutely amazed me.”

The exhibition of selected works, curated by Joanna Bosse, includes works by Australian artists including Rick Amor, Howard Arkley, Alan Constable, David Keeling, Erica McGilchrist, Wilma Tabacco and Danila Vassilieff.

The exhibition showcases works by six artists with intellectual disabilities who are supported by Arts Project Australia (APA), an organisation in which Rosenblatt is heavily involved.

“That’s a very interesting thing about the act of creation … In most instances in art, it’s got a lot of soul intermingled with the person that creates it,” Rosenblatt said.

“I like finding out [about] and befriending the artist and working out how the art and the person equates.”

Rosenblatt’s collection reflects a lifelong fascination with the creative process and dedication to forging relationships through art.

“I say that hunting artists is like going to a library and finding a good book. You’ve got to put the effort in. You’ve got to go around galleries, you’ve got to ask, you’ve got to see, you’ve got to learn, and move around and have a look,” he said.

“In this world, there’s lots of things that are beautiful and free, and viewing creative work, whether it’s music, whether it’s literature, or whether it’s art is one of the amazing things of life.”

Eyes That See: The collection of Norman Rosenblatt will be shown at Bayside Gallery September 3 – October 23.


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