A new era of support community
Through collaboration and a shared vision, we will navigate the challenges ahead, ensuring that JewishCare remains a continued source of assistance for generations to come.
There are times in life when a health crisis strikes, and we know exactly what to do. We rush to hospital, to the doctors and nurses, knowing we will get the support we need. There are other times when there is no obvious place to go. When grappling with mental illness, you require a different kind of care. Care that can be confusing to navigate, hard to access, and often prohibitively expensive.
I recently had a deeply moving conversation with a distressed mother who found solace and a lifeline through JewishCare.
Her son was battling mental health issues and grappling with thoughts of suicide. In her darkest hour, she reached out to us, desperate for someone to talk to, an expert in the field who could provide guidance and support.
This heart-wrenching plea for help served as a stark reminder of the vital role JewishCare plays in the lives of those who turn to us in their most vulnerable moments.
A reminder that JewishCare is the place where people can come when they don’t know where else to go.
It is stories like these that propel us forward, igniting a passion to not only meet the immediate needs of our community but to also address the unmet needs that linger beneath the surface.
Last week, JewishCare proudly unveiled its revised strategic plan. This comprehensive roadmap charts a course toward enhancing our support services and addressing the evolving needs of our community.
Launched on July 27, the plan aims to ensure that our care is delivered in our uniquely Jewish way but is underpinned by quality, clinical governance, accountability for outcomes, and financial sustainability.
The voices of our client and carer feedback survey, staff town hall events and personal conversations have been instrumental in shaping this strategic plan. The invaluable input has guided our decision-making, ensuring this plan truly reflects the aspirations and needs of our community.
To secure our long-term success, JewishCare needs to focus on building a foundation for long-term sustainability, consistently meeting compliance and quality standards, and achieving strong engagement while delivering exceptional client care.
To remain relevant to the Jewish community and accountable to its needs, we must adapt and evolve. This includes exploring better ways of working, modernising our services, and staying current with emerging trends and needs. By continuously improving and innovating, we can ensure our long-term financial viability and continue to make a meaningful impact.
Consistency is crucial in providing exceptional care. We are committed to consistently meeting and exceeding compliance and quality standards. This means establishing robust processes, systems, and practices that guarantee the highest level of care and support for our clients.
We also aim to foster strong connections with the broader community, ensuring that everyone understands our mission, services, and impact. Furthermore, we will place the client’s voice at the centre of everything we do, actively involving them in decision-making processes and tailoring our services to meet their unique needs.
The global pandemic has reshaped our world, prompting us to reassess priorities, find innovative ways to serve our community and adapt and evolve to the ever-changing needs of our community.
For Shelana Silver, community programs manager at JewishCare, ensuring the organisation remains a steadfast source of support for the community is pivotal.
In 2019, Shelana found herself in the emergency department with her son who was experiencing a psychotic episode. While the staff did what they could, her son’s experience was not considered a medical emergency. After waiting almost 11 hours in emergency, they returned home without seeing a doctor or psychiatrist.
Luckily, they found the support and assistance they needed at JewishCare.
JewishCare exists as a safe place where families can come to find the help they need when navigating the confusing and complex health system. These are families experiencing many kinds of distress and disability, not just mental illness.
Shelana explained, “The experience I had with my son is what drove me to become an advocate for people living with a disability, and for mental health issues in general. It’s why I do the work I do now, and a big part of why I wanted to work at JewishCare.”
Through collaboration and a shared vision, we will navigate the challenges ahead, ensuring that JewishCare remains a continued source of assistance for generations to come.
Gary Groves is CEO of JewishCare.