Hadassah Australia

A powerful impact

Hadassah Australia president Ron Finkel (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Lynda Brest and Mordecai Esakoff.
Hadassah Australia president Ron Finkel (right) presenting a certificate of appreciation to Lynda Brest and Mordecai Esakoff.

Your simcha is a wonderful opportunity to share with your friends and family your passion for social impact in Israel – be it through education, medicine, research, or community programs. Celebrating a wedding, bar or bat mitzvah, birth or a special birthday through Hadassah Australia means you can have a lasting and meaningful involvement with Israel.

Hadassah Australia supports programs that connect our Australian community to Israel, programs that make a difference at home and abroad. Established in 2003, Hadassah Australia provides substantial and meaningful funding for a range of programs and activities. Its vision is to create sustainable social impact through healthcare and collaborative medical research to support a thriving, inclusive Israeli community and improve global health.

“Dare to dream … and when you dream – dream big,” said Hadassah founder, Henrietta Szold in the 1930s.

Szold was a remarkable woman who established the medical, educational and social service infrastructure for the future Jewish state. She was a philanthropist and fundraiser. She set up hospitals, food banks, nursing schools and social work programs as well as youth aliyah to help Jewish children leave Nazi Germany for Palestine.

The organisation is inspired by Szold’s vision and values. Hadassah Australia is committed to creating a thriving, diverse, equal and inclusive Israel by supporting healthcare programs that:

  • Provide undergraduate scholarships in health for young Ethiopian-Israelis;
  • Reinforce the excellence of treatment at Hadassah Medical Centre, Jerusalem;
  • Advance innovative medical research;
  • Improve the lives of young people facing trauma;
  • Support acute rehabilitation services;
  • Enhance early childhood development.

Contact Hadassah Australia to select a meaningful program for your donations in lieu of gifts.

A personalised Simcha Page is also available.

Hadassah Australia wishes you a very successful and inspiring simcha!

For more, visit hadassahaustralia.org, call (03) 9272 560 or email australia@hadassah.org

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