JNF Australia Blue Box Appeal

A safe place for children in the Negev

JNF Australia is launching its iconic Blue Box appeal, a longstanding tzedakah-giving tradition.

Illustration of a kindergarten in the Sha'ar HaNegev community.

As Rosh Hashanah draws near, JNF Australia is launching its iconic Blue Box appeal, a longstanding tzedakah-giving tradition at this time of year.

For 120 years, funds raised through the Blue Box have been instrumental in the developing, building, and greening of the arid Negev, among other things.

JNF continues its vital work in growing and nourishing the land and supporting the people of Israel through lifesaving projects. For this year’s annual gala event, JNF was excited to bring the community together for an incredible night of connection, solidarity, unity, and giving spirit. The funds raised provided children of the Sha’ar HaNegev communities safe play through the building of essential playgrounds in 14 protected kindergartens in this region.

Sha’ar HaNegev regional council communities live in very close proximity to the Gaza border and are exposed to the constant threat of frequent missile attacks. The situation in the region can change rapidly, and residents should always be prepared to run for safety. This urgency was highlighted in early August with the recent escalations during operation Breaking Dawn.

This Rosh Hashanah, with your support, JNF will continue to help the people of Sha’ar HaNegev, to ensure the protection and safe play of the children, who have only 10 seconds to run for cover and find a bomb shelter.

Kindergarten is a place for children to learn, laugh, form friendships, and nurture their curiosity. Above all, it’s a place where children should be safe.

Each of the 14 kindergartens will receive fencing, grass, vegetable garden beds, shelters, and playground equipment, such as slides, swings, and sandboxes. These protected playgrounds are needed urgently to allow the children to process trauma and play safely.

Join JNF in its longstanding mission to ensure a brighter and secure future for the children of the Negev communities.

Thank you for helping to ensure the safe play of these children.

With warm wishes for a sweet and healthy New Year from the JNF family to yours.

Rosh Hashanah e-cards are available at JNF, with proceeds going towards this essential campaign. For more information about JNF Vic’s Blue Box campaign visit: jnf.org.au/blue-box

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