dreyfus in perth

AG visits JHub and Chabad WA

While in Perth, Dreyfus also took time to visit Chabad WA, along with federal Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth, Anne Aly.

Attorney General Mark Dreyfus at the JHub site in Perth. Jonathan Silbert (L) and Tony Tate (R). USE THIS

Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus this week visited the site of what will become the JHub Western Australia Maccabi Community Centre, in Perth.

When completed, the project will include a state-of-the-art Holocaust Education Centre, community offices, a function centre with flexible spaces for all events, youth group rooms and modern office spaces, a cafe and more than 1000 square metres of landscaped gardens.

Mark Dreyfus at Chabad WA, along with Early Childhood Education and Youth Minister Anne Aly (right).

It is envisaged that alongside a diverse range of educational projects and workshops, high school groups will be able to do half-day programs at the Holocaust Education Centre once it is opened.

The project is being financially supported by both the federal and state governments, along with funds raised from the WA Jewish community.

While in Perth, Dreyfus also took time to visit Chabad WA, along with federal Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth, Anne Aly.

JHub is expected to be finished around March next year, and to be open by June or July.

Pictured (main) is Dreyfus inspecting progress with honorary project manager Jonathan Silbert (left) and former president of Maccabi WA, Tony Tate (right).


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