Focus on mental health

AwareHub provides holistic approach

“Mental health has just gone through the roof and it’s not changing.'

An individual meditation booth at AwareHub.

THERE is an immediate sense of calm walking into the AwareHub premises in Bondi Junction.

The brainchild of psychiatrist Dr Lisa Myers, AwareHub is a unique mental health service that addresses the need for an inclusive, holistic practice.

Every inch of of the soothing space has been designed to support clients’ mental health, while there is on-site access to psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and dietitians, as well as yoga and meditation.

“We engaged designers who were passionate about creating work places that support people’s mental health,” Myers told The AJN.

AwareHub offers a number of traditional and holistic therapies.

“Traditionally when we see a psychiatrist or psychologist it’s going into an office, but it’s important for us to show our clients that we respect them and the efforts they’re putting in to take care of themselves. It’s important they walk into a place that speaks to that.”

Myers, who specialises in child and adolescent psychiatry, believes in a proactive rather than a reactive approach.

“The younger you can help somebody, the better, and early intervention is really good,” Myers said.

“But whenever you can intervene and help someone is a good time.

“It’s great now having accessibility to other disciplines – it allows us to offer more comprehensive care and I can easily communicate with who is here, professionals under the same roof working together.”

The space includes private offices, but there is also a group room where yoga, pregnancy, seniors or art therapy classes can be accommodated. The group space can also be broken up into seven individual pods for meditation.

Greenery and art adorn the walls, creating a real “zen” feel.

There has been a real and welcome focus on mental health in recent years, particularly during the time of COVID.

“Mental health has just gone through the roof and it’s not changing,” Myers said.

“We’re so busy and I think the pandemic has also made it more apparent. It’s nice to be able to try and attend to that need and to do it in a way that is uplifting, in an environment that is also uplifting and calming.”

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