JCA campaign theme

‘Being a Jew is part of me’

Each week, JCA will be focusing on a new theme for their 2022 fundraising campaign.

Eve Arber, school captain at Mount Sinai College.

THE spotlight is on education for this week’s JCA campaign, as the future of our community rests with the youth.

Madrichim and school captains at Sydney’s Jewish day schools were asked what it means to them to be leaders and how they feel about their Jewish identity, tzedakah and their hopes for the future.

The responses were inspiring and heartfelt and demonstrated that the future of our community is in safe hands.

Eve Arber, school captain at Mount Sinai College, said: “The Jewish community is really important to me, because it’s my whole entire history. Being a Jew is a part of me.

“When I think about the Jewish community, I think about people helping each other and here at Mount Sinai we are all part of the Jewish community, and we all help each other. At Mount Sinai, they teach us that you can be in the community no matter where you are.”

Masada College madrichim Ashira Bass, Roni Oren and Jaida Walt.

Emanuel School senior madrich Myles Cohn said: “I think one of the most important things that we strive for at Emanuel is a sense of belonging, and making sure that everyone is included. Community is very important, because when we reach really tough times, we’ll be able to support each other and be there.”

“I think a strong community is so important because it provides that support system and allows people to reach out and actually ask for help,” said Moriah College school captain Tali Kaplan.

“But it also provides a place for people who can help to actually help those in need through organisations for the individual and community as a whole.”

Roni Oren, head madrichah at Masada College, said: “JCA is very important to our community because not only do they support Masada and the other Jewish schools, but they also support a lot of really important organisations like the Wolper Jewish Hospital, the Sydney Jewish Museum, the Montefiore, which really link all our families, so they encompass us and our whole community.”

By donating to JCA’s 2022 campaign community members can support students at Jewish schools and those Jewish students attending public schools that participate in BJE’s education programs.

Last year BJE engaged almost 600 students by delivering 1250 special religious education programs per term in schools across NSW. In addition, funding from JCA’s campaign supports children with special needs with their education.

Donate: donation.jca.org.au


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