Golden Years

Care before the crisis

Home care support can make a huge difference in our loved ones' lives. So how can you broach the topic with someone if they simply don't want to hear it?

Worrying about the welfare of ageing loved ones can be hard. Approaching the conversation of home support can be even harder.

For some people the concept of getting an Australian Government Home Care Package is confronting, deterring families from having conversations around their concerns and changes that may be occurring.

However, waiting until a health event or crisis can result in rushed decision-making, delayed support and unsatisfactory outcomes, according to home care provider JewishCare. “We’re often asked about when someone should start home care and our advice is it’s wise to start the process well before you think you need it,” said JewishCare CEO Gary Groves.

With Australian Government waiting lists currently extending over 12 months, planning ahead is certainly a wise move and important for peace of mind.

“Our free Home care packages: Start the conversation booklet doesn’t just outline how to approach a conversation, but also provides some signs of what to look for to know when a loved one may need a little extra help,” said Groves. You know your loved one best, so it’s important to trust your instinct if you think something is not quite right at home. Some common signs that extra support is needed include:

● Changes around the home – you might notice the house is less tidy than usual, there are more cobwebs, or linen isn’t getting changed as often.

● Changes with the person – mood changes, an increase in cuts and bruises, or reduced personal appearance can all be indicators of the need for a little extra help.

Applying for a home care package can often be equally as daunting. With many people finding the home care package application process confusing, JewishCare has created a free guide to help people navigate the home care package process.

JewishCare’s Home care packages: Next provides a clear four-step process on what you need to do to get started. JewishCare has been helping the community since 1936 and has the experience and expertise of practical solutions in providing a helping hand.

To download the free resources, visit For assistance or more information, call 1300 133 670 or email for a confidential discussion.

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