Change at COA
"COA and the Burger Centre are working together to ensure a smooth transition for all, and the staff at the Burger Centre are looking forward to welcoming all members to their premises."
COA Sydney’s Woollahra headquarters will soon no longer host social activities.
COA has been working with JewishCare and the Burger Centre in an effort to combine certain services and programs in a consolidation of communal resources. As a result, Club COA will operate out of the Burger Centre from the end of August.
“COA members will now have access to all the facilities that Burger has to offer, and will enjoy a wide and diverse variety of programs, outstanding catering and Burger’s dedicated staff,” COA president Ilona Lee said.
“COA and the Burger Centre are working together to ensure a smooth transition for all, and the staff at the Burger Centre are looking forward to welcoming all members to their premises.”
Kosher Meals on Wheels and COA Fresh will continue to be operated by COA from its premises. Other COA programs are still being evaluated as to where their best home will be, but there will be no changes in the immediate future.
“It has taken some time, but we are really excited at the outcome we have achieved for our clients, who will continue to be able to use the outstanding facilities of Burger,” Lee said.
Added Burger Centre executive manager Christina Caddy-Gold, “We are really looking forward to continuing the vibrant culture of Club COA at the Burger Centre and we will be welcoming members warmly.”
From next week, COA members can attend “look-see” visits to the Burger Centre so members can see what opportunities are on hand, meet staff and have any questions or concerns addressed.
Contact the COA office on (02) 9389 0035 to arrange a visit.