
Courtney Schneider – AJA Director, Officer For Children and Families

Maurice Klein speaks with Courtney Schneider, who recently joined the new Australian Jewish association (AJA) Board of Directors as the Officer for Children and Families. Courtney well intends to be a voice for children and a voice for the parent child relationship, a voice for keeping the family strong. The parent-child relationship is the foundation of every civilization and needs to be protected, which if not protected and guarded then there really is not much human flourishment. The educating sexualisation of our children at schools is running rampant, with parents being totally left out of the discussion and the control being usurped from the parents and families. There are multiple studies that prove that much of the material being presented to the young children at schools is unsuitable, causing an adverse impact on the psychological and behavioural wellbeing of children and minors.   Desensitising children to sex is most definitely not a good thing. Courtney Schneider with the AJA, is going to set an example and fight for the voice of the family. For more information go to: www.jewishassociation.org.au.

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