Facebook hate page pulled

FACEBOOK has removed the page of an anti-Semitic student group whose administrators had been trolling Jewish community-related pages.

The photo under which the offensive comment was posted.

FACEBOOK has removed the page of an anti-Semitic student group whose administrators had been trolling Jewish community-related pages.

The Macquarie University White Student Union, which is not an official or registered student group at the university, first appeared on Facebook last year and had been posting offensive and anti-Semitic material.

Last month, under an AJN photo posted on Facebook of Israeli tennis star Dudi Sela holding the Israeli flag at the Australian Open, the group posted: “The flag is racist. How dare he fly it so proudly in Australia, a country which stands for diversity, tolerance and vibrancy.

“So long as Israel remains a Jewish State, we will protest it. Israel ought to be a multiracial and multicultural state, a state in which Jewish women marry Arab men.

“We will consider it a success when Jewish people no longer exist and all that remains is a vibrant, multicultural and diverse populace.”

The group’s page was removed earlier this week, after it was reported to Facebook by the Executive Council of Australia Jewry.

Former AUJS Macquarie and immediate AUJS NSW past president Avia Madar said that while the Macquarie University White Student Union claims to stand for equality, “this could not be further from the rhetoric we have seen from them so far”.

“The group are not officially registered on campus, and have already breached student organisation rules,” she said.

“It is reassuring that Macquarie University staff have always taken security concerns of AUJS seriously, and ensured that Jewish students feel safe at their campus.

“Political groups at Macquarie University are typically avoided by the majority of students, so it would be surprising for the Macquarie University White Student Union to garner support on campus. It will be the online presence of this group that will be most concerning.”

A Macquarie University spokesperson told The AJN last week: “The university is aware of the ‘Macquarie University White Student Union’ Facebook page. It has been created by a third-party community group, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Macquarie University.”


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