
Gateway fund offers help for families

Sholem Aleichem College's aim is to provide access for those who want to attend the school, even if they can't afford the fees.

Children observing the construction of the new playground

Over the years Sholem Aleichem College has ensured that as many students as possible have had the opportunity to enrol, thanks to a generous fee-relief program. The college’s aim is to provide access to those who feel they cannot afford tuition fees but would love the opportunity to attend. Now the dream of a Sholem Aleichem education will be accessible to even more families with the launch of the Gateway Fund, an initiative that will cover a large portion of a child’s school fees with financial assistance secured from prep to grade six.

This Gateway Fund will enable primary school students to receive an exceptional education in a nurturing Jewish environment that emphasises academic excellence while fostering a love for the Yiddish and Hebrew languages.

A new garden takes shape at Sholem Aleichem College.

Sholem Aleichem College’s commitment to providing the best possible educational experience is reflected in the ongoing expansion of the school’s facilities.

The college’s Makerspace is used for discovery, clubs, robotics, filmmaking and crafts. Learning coding through Ozobots, Minecraft Education and Scratch have been integrated with traditional curriculum to teach kids the skills of the future. Additionally, this year students are performing The Wizard of Oz in Yiddish, Hebrew and English with every child participating.

Principal Helen Greenberg said the college prides itself on achieving outstanding academic results while encouraging student’s creativity and participation in music and the arts. “Sholem Aleichem College is an investment in your child’s future. It’s a place where Jewish identity and academic excellence are nurtured,” she said.

To book a tour of Sholem Aleichem or for more information, contact or (03) 8527 3000

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