Gazan boy is 6000th child saved by Israeli humanitarian organisation

Eleven-year-old with congenital heart condition treated by Save A Child's Heart

Mazen with Dr Sagi Assa at the Save A Child’s Heart International Paediatric Cardiac Centre.
Mazen with Dr Sagi Assa at the Save A Child’s Heart International Paediatric Cardiac Centre.

AN 11-year-old boy from Gaza is the 6000th child to be saved by the Israeli humanitarian organisation Save a Child’s Heart.

Having been diagnosed with a complicated congenital heart condition shortly after he was born, Mazen underwent surgery in Jerusalem when he was just two months old.

But he still had a hole in his heart and trouble breathing as he grew older.

Mazen required life-saving emergency surgery. But with no local centres for interventional cardiac treatment in Gaza and with the number of critically ill patients worsening as a result of COVID, two cardiologists at the European Gaza Hospital referred him to the new Save A Child’s Heart International Paediatric Cardiac Centre and Sylvan Adams Children’s Hospital in Holon.

Mazen was treated there by Dr Sagi Assa, who heads the Pediatric Cardiac Care Unit, where they are pioneering the use complex cardiac procedures to close holes in hearts without open heart surgery.

To date, SACH has saved the lives of 6000 children from 63 countries, 50 per cent of them from Gaza and the West Bank.


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