‘Govt has lost moral compass’

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton expressed how deeply it pains him to see antisemitism, in the wake of October 7.

Peter Dutton (left) being welcomed to Sydney's Central Synagogue by Rabbi Levi Wolff. Photo: Nadine Saacks
Peter Dutton (left) being welcomed to Sydney's Central Synagogue by Rabbi Levi Wolff. Photo: Nadine Saacks

In a powerful speech delivered during last Friday night’s Shabbat service in front of close to 1000 congregation members at Sydney’s Central Synagogue, federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton expressed how deeply it pains him to see antisemitism, in the wake of October 7, be allowed to “reach a level and an intensity, unlike anything we’ve ever seen here before”.

He called for clear action against pro-Palestinian protesters at encampments at many Australian university campuses who, “let’s be clear about their agenda … are using the pretext of free speech, to engage in hate speech to intimidate Jewish students”.

“And the response to these incidents from most university heads and from our own government and law enforcement, has been woefully inadequate.”

Identifying the unprecedented rise in antisemitism as a symbol of a crisis in Australia’s education system – where places of higher learning “have increasingly become places of indoctrination” – Dutton urged students to avoid enrolling in universities that “do not have your best interests at heart”.

He also called on the federal government to take action against universities “that are failing to enforce their own rules for keeping people safe on campus”.

Dutton added, “We want to see every schoolchild visit a Holocaust museum and under a government I lead, we will ensure that this is conditional for [federal] funding for school education.”

Shifting to foreign affairs policy, Dutton described the Albanese government’s decision to back Palestine for full UN membership by voting ‘yes’ at a recent UN General Assembly vote as “utterly inappropriate, ill-timed and immoral”.

“The government sent a clear message that it tolerates the use of terrorism and barbarism to achieve political ends.”

He also accused the Prime Minister of exercising misjudgment and weak leadership, on other matters, including his “inexcusable” silence in the aftermath of the International Criminal Court chief prosecutor’s seeking of the issuing of arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister and Defence Minister.

Lamenting that the government “has undermined decades of bipartisan support for a two-state solution negotiated between Israelis and Palestinians”, Dutton added, “I would go so far as to say that the government has lost its moral compass.”

In contrast, he claimed, “The coalition stands shoulder to shoulder – unashamedly and proudly – with our ally and friend, Israel.”

“Friends, the coalition I lead will continue to call out antisemitism, wherever and whenever we see it.”

Thanking Dutton on behalf of the community, Central Shule’s Rabbi Levi Wolff said, “In these challenging times, we find out who our friends are in this world and we can be heartened that we have a very good friend right here.”

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