Helping our most vulnerable

Jewish House CEO Rabbi Mendel Kastel with client food packs.

AS Sydney enters its second week under stay-at-home orders, help is at hand from a number of communal organisations for those who are struggling.

JewishCare continues to support the community with family, mental health, financial, aged care and disability services.

Remote programs have been implemented, while non-essential employees are working from home but contactable.

“Protecting our employees, volunteers and community is JewishCare’s priority,” CEO Gary Groves said.

“We encourage community to remain connected during these challenging times by engaging with friends and family via telephone or digital channels, maintaining routine and regular exercise. And register for our Call2Connect program.”

JewishCare’s Financial Assistance Fund is able to provide a range of support to eligible recipients, including food and petrol vouchers, essential accommodation payments, medical and pharmaceutical expenses.

Jewish House has also responded to the outbreak, continuing to support clients using a mixture of face-to-face consultation subject to safety precautions, telephone and Zoom.

“The continuation of support for our clients is our primary focus,” CEO Rabbi Mendel Kastel said. “We need to ensure that we are providing the same level of service no matter what the restrictions are.”

Clients can also use Jewish House’s COVID-19 Crisis Portal, launched last year at the beginning of the pandemic, for up-to-date resources on physical and mental health and wellness, family issues, addiction, legal advice and more.

Jewish House has also been delivering kosher food packs to clients, provided by Grandma Moses Bakery and Good Food Kosher Catering.

Meanwhile, COA continues to deliver home-based services, including Kosher Meals on Wheels, COA Fresh and COA’s Shopping Project to help seniors stay home instead of going out. Volunteers are on standby for the Shalom Connect phone calling program.

“COA is also happy to facilitate another AstraZeneca vaccination clinic if the community requests it,” CEO Rachel Tanny said.

Our Big Kitchen, considered an essential service, remains open to provide meals to the more vulnerable members of the community.

On the north shore, KM Cares, the chesed arm of Kehillat Masada, is doing shopping for those most vulnerable, providing financial assistance and access to psychologists.

For support:

Jewish Care: 1300 133 660 or

Jewish House: (02) 9386 0770, or

COA: (02) 9389 0035, or

KM Cares: (02) 9988 4417 or

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