Running for MDA

Helping the people of Israel

'Doing our best and completing the marathon while fundraising was a great opportunity for us and made us feel like we were helping a special cause helping the people of Israel.'

From left: Daniel Gold, David Gold, Vincent Page, Blake Volovich at the end of 42.2 kilometres.

Among the 40,000 participants at the biggest-ever Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival on Sunday, October 15, were four Jewish boys running for Magen David Adom (MDA).

Vincent Page, Blake Volovich, David Gold, and Daniel Gold raised nearly $8000 for MDA and had a great time doing it.

“We just impulsively did it,” Page said. “David and Blake wanted to really challenge themselves and I’ve always wanted to do something like this, so we gave it a crack.”

All four completed the 42.2-kilometre run.

They put a lot of effort into training and planning without any thought of fundraising. However, after what happened in Israel on October 7, collectively they decided it was a perfect opportunity to show their support.

“Being in Australia, we felt quite powerless,” Page said. “We could post stuff on social media, but we agreed raising money was the least we could do.

“Doing our best and completing the marathon while fundraising was a great opportunity for us and made us feel like we were helping a special cause helping the people of Israel.

“People were very generous and donated to MDA, a great organisation which was unbelievable at the end of the day.”

The boys chose to support MDA because of the organisation’s ability to provide essential services to the people of Israel. They wanted to help the people who were having a tough time.

The AJN asked if there was any likelihood this would be an annual event where they would get together, run and raise money.

“I think Blake and David are definitely interested in doing this every year,” Page said. “I am definitely not opposed to the idea. You know, it’s one of those things once you finish a marathon it’s an unbelievable feeling, but the body definitely suffers. Whether it would be a fundraising run will depend on the circumstances of the future.”

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