New Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Induction at South Caulfield

Welcoming Rabbi Mendy and Rebbetzin Lifshy Ajzenszmidt.

Rabbi Mendy Ajzenszmidt addresses South Caulfield Shule as Rebbetzin Lifshy looks on. Photo: Peter Haskin
Rabbi Mendy Ajzenszmidt addresses South Caulfield Shule as Rebbetzin Lifshy looks on. Photo: Peter Haskin

LAST Sunday saw the induction at South Caulfield Shule of Rabbi Mendy and Rebbetzin Lifshy Ajzenszmidt, only the fourth such appointment in the 70-year history of the congregation,

Chaired by long standing member Harvey Bruce, the ceremony was attended by some 250 people including communal rabbis and other dignitaries. Also present were parliamentarians David Southwick and Tim Wilson, each of whom addressed the congregation.

The formal induction was carried out by Rabbi Ajzenszmidt’s predecessor at the shule Rabbi Daniel Rabin, who has recently moved to Caulfield Hebrew Congregation.

Both Rabbi and Rebbetzin Ajzenszmidt addressed the gathering regarding their hopes for the advancement of the congregation religiously and socially. Participants in the ceremony included Chazan Greg Hurwitz with the Kol Simcha choir, as well as a newly formed children’s choir, president Harold Goldberg, emeritus chazan Yossi Aron, Rabbi Benjy Simons, Dr Sam Jaworowski and Shana Duieb.

A reception in the recently renovated hall followed the formalities.

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