Protecting the community

Labor’s CSG pledge

'We will pray for a day that we don't need grants like this, but that day is not here.'

From left: Premier Daniel Andrews, Labor candidate for Caulfield Lior Harel and CEO of CSG Justin Kagan. Photo: Peter Haskin
From left: Premier Daniel Andrews, Labor candidate for Caulfield Lior Harel and CEO of CSG Justin Kagan. Photo: Peter Haskin

A re-elected Andrews Labor Government has pledged $900,000 over three years to the Community Security Group (CSG).

Premier Daniel Andrews made the announcement with Caulfield Labor candidate Lior Harel at Central Shule Chabad last Wednesday.

“There’s no place for hatred in Victoria, but sadly antisemitism and right-wing extremism are on the rise,” Andrews said.

“There are extremists in our community that don’t respect the … multicultural inclusive nature of our Victorian community.

“We will pray for a day that we don’t need grants like this, but that day is not here.”

Andrews joked that Harel had been “persistent” on the matter of the grant, and thanked him for his advocacy.

Harel said, “We’ll support Community Security Group to make sure Jewish Victorians feel safe and protected at community events and venues.

“No one from the Jewish community should feel threatened by antisemitism.”

CSG CEO Justin Kagan expressed gratitude “for this show of support”.

“The funding will enable us to continue the fight against antisemitism and extremism in Victoria,” he said.

Kagan explained the funds “will enable CSG Victoria to continue its mission to protect Jewish life and Jewish way of life”, adding, “It is a clear acknowledgement of the antisemitic and extremism threat faced by the Victorian Jewish community, and a strong statement that no one should have to live under the threat of hatred.”

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