
Nadia Matar – The latest report from the coalface on sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley

Maurice Klein speaks with Nadia Matar, who along with Yehudit Katsover, is the co-founders and co-presidents of Israel’s Ribonut Sovereignty Movement, formally known as the Women In Green. Until now, the successive governments of Israel have refrained from resolving to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. As a result, the legal fabric of the area has been damaged, meaning, Israeli law is not fully applied and the Jewish residents live under military rule and a patchwork of regulations. Since the Oslo Accords, Nadia and Yehudit, in a long series of efforts have been leading the movement for application of Israel sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, in the land of Israel. The grassroots Sovereignty Movement is about educating and working for absolute sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, our biblical heartland and now also has a very active  sovereignty youth movement.  Slowly but surely, positive things are happening and taking place towards sovereignty, yasher koach to all. To support and follow the great work of the Ribonut Sovereignty Movement go to: www.ribonut.co.il.

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Am Yisrael Chai   PEACE   L’Chaim

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