New scholarships offered to Jewish women
"Women of all ages and learning abilities will enjoy this course, which will provide excellent discussion about women in the Torah," Kaltmann told The AJN.
The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) Australia, is “excited to partner with the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning at Hebrew University, to offer Australian women access to a 10-week learning course titled ‘Women in Midrash'” said JOFA Australia president, Nomi Kaltmann.
In this 10-lesson course, learners will delve into reading classical and modern midrash, exploring some of the major female figures of the Bible, and gaining multiple perspectives on their characters, relationships, and choices.
The course will be offered on Zoom, for women from all Australian states and territories.
“Women of all ages and learning abilities will enjoy this course, which will provide excellent discussion about women in the Torah,” Kaltmann told The AJN.
This course has never previously been offered in Australia and will allow participants to discover how the form and content of midrash changes as contemporary writers add their interpretations to ancient text and traditions.
To date, 132 Australian women from five Australian states and territories have received scholarships to complete training courses related to Torah learning and Jewish women’s leadership.
JOFA Australia has also launched the first ever Orthodox women’s speaker bureau, with more than 80 Australian women from across the country listed on a publicly available resource.
Kaltmann said, “Change comes in ripples, and we see the success of all our previous programs knowing that Jewish women from across Australia are enthusiastic to embrace these Torah learning opportunities, which we are keen to continue to offer.”