Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance

New Torah L’Am learning scholarships

Opportunities like the Torah L'Am course aim to advocate for meaningful participation for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organisations to the fullest extent possible.

Miriam Lorie, the UK-based teacher of the Torah L'Am course.

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance Australia (JOFA) is partnering with Leading Jewishly United Kingdom to offer the Torah L’Am course for Jewish women. The Torah L’Am course will equip students to open the Torah at any page, understand the significance of any given passage to the wider context, analyse a passage and respond to that passage.

At the end of the course, students will deliver their own d’var Torah, developed over the course through assignments which gradually build towards this final presentation.

While the course has previously not been offered in Australia, it will now be offered on Zoom for women from all Australian states and territories.

Since launching almost two years ago, JOFA has provided opportunities to Australian women to deepen their leadership skills, Torah learning, public speaking, teaching and engagement.

Opportunities like the Torah L’Am course aim to advocate for meaningful participation for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organisations to the fullest extent possible.

“This is a serious Torah study course with assignments and homework. I know that Australian women, who have always been interested in new opportunities to learn Torah will enjoy this opportunity,” said JOFA Australia president, Nomi Kaltmann.

To date, 170 Australian women from five Australian states and territories have received scholarships to complete training courses related to Torah learning and Jewish women’s leadership. JOFA Australia has also launched the first ever Orthodox Women’s Speaker Bureau, with more than 80 Australian women from across the country listed on a publicly available bureau.

“Australian women deserve the best opportunities to study Torah and we are thrilled that JOFA Australia has been able to continue to offer brilliant opportunities for women from around the country,” added Kaltmann.

If you would like to get in touch with JOFA Australia please contact

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