"Real people, real dating"

New wave matchmaking

Hunter is committed to upholding a standard of authenticity and integrity within her diverse database whose ages range from 23 to 70.

Dating expert Lauren Hunter encourages her clients to articulate their deepest desires and values
Dating expert Lauren Hunter encourages her clients to articulate their deepest desires and values

Lauren Hunter does not stand still for long. Her rapid-fire conversations and her enthusiasm for helping people to never lose hope in the match-making game are stimulating.

With a background in social science and psychology, coupled with expertise in natural medicine and holistic counselling, Hunter’s journey has been shaped by a dedication to understanding both the intricacies of human behaviour and the holistic approach to well-being.

Transitioning from a role as a holistic health coach and personal trainer at Studio46, where she integrated exercise, nutrition and positive mindset principles to foster physical and mental transformation, she embarked on a personal journey of rediscovery.

Divorced and re-entering the dating world in 2017, Hunter navigated the realm of online dating with a newfound perspective.

The dating apps made it appear as if there was a catalogue of prospective partners with attractive pictures when she realised it was a full-time job, a numbers game that usually led to nothing but disappointment.

“Recognising the superficial allure of dating apps, I delved deeper, realising they were potential as tools for distraction rather than avenues for genuine connection and personal growth,” Hunter said.

Driven by a passion for fostering authentic connections, she ventured into matchmaking, leveraging her keen intuition and understanding of human nature to curate meaningful pairings.

“Each match is meticulously crafted, aligning individuals based on shared interests, desires and life trajectories, transcending the superficiality often associated with modern dating culture.”

Hunter is committed to upholding a standard of authenticity and integrity within her diverse database whose ages range from 23 to 70.

“Beyond mere physical attraction, I encourage clients to articulate their deepest desires and values, empowering them to attract partners who resonate on a deeper level,” she explained.

Emphasising the importance of self-reflection and alignment with one’s ideal partner, Hunter advocates for a holistic approach to dating rooted in genuine connection and mutual respect.

In a world where ghosting and low standards have become all too common, she remains steadfast in her commitment to facilitating genuine connections.

Each match reflects not only her discerning eye but also her unwavering dedication to fostering meaningful relationships built on trust, compatibility and shared values.

Ultimately, her mission is to redefine dating, ushering in an era of authenticity, compassion and genuine connection. At the end of the day no matter how developed we become as a society people will always crave love, affection and connection

“I’m excited to announce my upcoming event dedicated to nurturing genuine connections face-to-face. Real people, real dating, real life,” she said.

Hunter and her ‘wing-woman’ Chelsea Kras have planned an evening singles event tailored for ages 25 to 45 on Thursday, May 30 filled with laughter, mingling, and the potential for new connections. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to UIA and NCJWA Vic.

Tickets available at sevenrooms.com/xYqTZZKz

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