No charges for student in Israel
After a week-long investigation, prosecutors have decided a Year 10 Bialik student should not be charged.
THE Bialik student in Israel who was accused of assaulting an Emanuel School student will not be charged.
Bialik principal Jeremy Stowe-Lindner wrote to parents this morning (Thursday) and informed them that the matter “was investigated by Israeli authorities” and that “the investigation into the matter has concluded and no charges are being laid”.
He said the Bialik students had acted with maturity and perspective throughout the week-long investigation and called on the community to reflect on the College’s values of integrity, responsibility and respect.
“Now is a time for us to come together, to support each other, to refrain from judgement and comment on any side and to heal,” Stowe-Lindner wrote.
The school will continue to monitor all students’ wellbeing and offer external support and counselling where required at this difficult time.
“While we have particular concern for the students directly involved, on our return to Melbourne, the College will be offering further support to any student or family who feels that they are in need.
“We will, as with any event or experience, undertake a full review of all elements of the program.”
The AJN has reached out to the Emanuel School for comment.
The alleged incident took place on Wednesday last week at Alexander Muss High School in Hod HaSharon after the two students walked away from the group together.
Stowe-Lindner and Emanuel principal Andrew Watt were in communication with each other throughout the last week to prioritise the welfare of students.
Police investigated for several days before handing the case to Israeli prosecutors, who decided not to charge the student.
The parents of both children involved have been in Israel in the last week.