One-on-one with Linoy Ashram

The AJN chats to rhythmic gymnast Linoy Ashram ahead of Summit UIA symposium.

Linoy Ashram.
Linoy Ashram.

AT last year’s Games in Tokyo, rhythmic gymnast Linoy Ashram became the first ever Israeli woman to win an Olympic gold. Ahead of her appearance at next month’s Summit UIA symposium, the 22-year-old star talks to The AJN.

Growing up, did you ever think you’d be where you are today?

Since I was a young child, I dreamed of getting to the Olympic Games, but I never imagined I would come back from them with a medal. Only two years before Tokyo, I started thinking I might be able to win one, but until the end of the competition I didn’t dream about the gold. I knew I was capable of winning bronze, but I never thought I could win gold. It was a dream come true.

In what ways has your life changed since Tokyo?

As Linoy, I haven’t changed as a person, but my life has changed, I’m known almost everywhere. It’s hard for me to walk in the street without being recognised. So this is new.

What are some guilty pleasures you finally got to indulge in after the Olympics?

What I allow myself to do now compared to before is to go out and enjoy myself with friends. When I was training for the Olympics, I knew I had to go to sleep early to keep my strength for practice early in the morning. I had to be very disciplined.

What would you say to all the young children dreaming of achieving what you’ve achieved?

My secret is first to believe in yourself and never give up. Knowing and believing you can do anything and everything. Don’t be afraid of failure – there will always be failures along the way, but from each one we need to learn for the future, so it doesn’t happen again. Of course, loving what you do and surrounding yourself with supportive people that love you is very important.

What’s your next ambition?

It’s a bit hard to dream now of a new dream as I’m still living with the same dream, but in future I would like to open a club under my name and to give young girls my knowledge and experience.

How were you received and treated as an Israeli performing on the global stage?

It was so much fun for me to represent Israel, as it is part of me. This is my home. I was so touched hearing Hatikvah and seeing the flag. It’s an incredible experience.

Linoy Ashram will be speaking together with basketball legend Omri Casspi at Summit UIA’s Sport session on Tuesday March 1, 7.30pm.
For more information about Summit UIA’s five-night symposium or to book tickets, visit

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