Chag sameach!

Pollies’ Pesach greetings

Prime Minister Scott Morrison: 'I wish you and your families a happy and joyful Passover – Chag Pesach Sameach!'

PRIME Minister Scott Morrison says empty spaces at seder tables last year due to COVID-19 “lent special meaning to the words: ‘This year we are slaves. Next year may we be free.’”

In a Pesach greeting to the Australian Jewish community this week, Morrison observed, “This year’s Passover reflection is on an ancient path and a newly trodden path. Reminded that when tested, we can find the same strength, good humour, resilience and connections to others that enabled earlier generations to rise to the challenges of their times.”

Expressing gratitude to the Jewish people for their “commitment to our national effort over this past year – and for your willingness to heed the call to ‘choose life’”, the Prime Minister said, “Because of those choices, this year the generations will gather again and the blessings of older generations will again be given to the young.”

He added, “I greatly appreciate the Jewish community and my Jewish friends across Australia. I wish you and your families a happy and joyful Passover – Chag Pesach Sameach!”

Describing Pesach as “one of the great stories of Jewish triumph over adversity”, Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese stated, “In this time of upheaval, it is also a story that gains resonance and offers comfort.”

Noting that last year “families had to find all sorts of ways to overcome physical separation at Passover”, he added, “This year, I hope that you and your families can safely reunite around the seder table.

“On behalf of the Labor Party, Chag Kasher V’Sameach.”

Meanwhile, Albanese joined Labor Member for Macnamara Josh Burns in a light-hearted video message to the community in which the pair ate matzah and spoke about the meaning of the festival.

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