Prepare for a more organised Pesach

Being organised for Pesach (or in general for that matter) is not about having a perfectly organised space, but rather about finding what you need when you need it. Professional organiser Sue Glasser offers up some easy and effective tips and ideas to get you started right away.

Ready Reference Folder

Set up a display folder that you can reference before, during and after Pesach. Include items like:

  • A cross reference of where you keep your packed away Pesach items
  • Checklists
  • Recipes
  • Menus
  • Supplier details
  • Supplier order forms
  • Guest lists and more.

It is your reference folder so add whatever items you need to reference for Pesach.

All Boxed Up 

Save all boxes for items that you purchase, and pack them back into these boxes at the end of Pesach. This saves space by being more uniform, and keeps items safe and sound. If you don’t have the original boxes, utilise shoeboxes, wine boxes or other boxes for the same purpose.

Top & Tail
Save space when packing away cups and saucers by topping and tailing, meaning arrange them in sequence of one up and one down.

Step & Repeat
Pack identical items away one in front of the other. Why place items next to each other when you can use “dead space” at the back of your cupboards with identical or spare items?

Eight Minute Blitz
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the size of the Pesach unpack and repack – remember every big job is just a lot of small jobs put together.
Set a timer for eight minutes and do bite-sized chunks at a time. Before you know it you will be done. Why not get the family involved too?

So there you have it, some simple timesaving tips and tight space techniques for a more prepared and organised Pesach. Wishing you a chag kasher v’sameach.

Contact Sue Glasser from PaperClip Professional Organisers for help with your home and paperwork organising. (03) 9095 6145, 0402 109 007 or visit

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