Rachel and Izzy choose to help create an impact in Israel
Hadassah’s senior medical clown, DuSh Barashi, was similarly touched by the gift and prepared a special thank you video for the bat mitzvah girls.

In lieu of bat mitzvah gifts, Rachel Feldman and Izzy Roberts decided to help make a meaningful impact in Jerusalem through Hadassah Australia.
Passionate about supporting sick children in Israel, Rachel and Izzy requested for their families to donate to the Medical Clowns Program, supported by Hadassah Australia, in honour of their respective simchas.

After reading the research of the benefits of medical clowns in helping to reduce stress levels and alleviate pain for kids, both girls were moved by the effect the Hadassah clowns have in helping to bring a smile to hospitalised children, their families and even the treating team.
They were each presented with the Hadassah Certificate of Appreciation by Hadassah Australia executive director Ruth Rosen, gratefully acknowledging their generosity.
Hadassah’s senior medical clown, DuSh Barashi, was similarly touched by the gift and prepared a special thank you video for the bat mitzvah girls.
“Although it has been demonstrated that the clowns make a significant difference, no hospital, including Hadassah, has the resources to fund the program,” said Rosen.
“Hadassah relies on donations to support the clowns. We sincerely thank Rachel and Izzy and all those who supported their initiative.”
Inspired by the vision and values of Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold, Hadassah Australia is committed to supporting healthcare programs that help create a collaborative, thriving, diverse, equal and inclusive Israeli community and improve global health.
For more information visit www.hadassahaustralia.org.