Ready to deliver a fresh start for NSW
I can proudly say Labor is ready to return to government in NSW. We have done the work and are hungry for the challenges of office.
The questions which will decide this election are now clear.
First, who can deliver the essential services families rely on? And second, who will end privatisation once and for all?
After 12 years our essential services in NSW are in crisis. Just ask a parent waiting 19 hours in an emergency, or whose child’s classes have been cancelled or merged.
Our essential workers are critical to delivering better public services. We literally cannot do it without them.
But our essential workers are leaving. After 12 years of being mistreated, ignored and watching public services wilfully left to degrade – who can blame them?
A fresh start for NSW
In contrast to this tired and divided 12-year-old Liberal government, it is a united and energised Labor that is offering a fresh start for NSW.
We’ll make NSW’s education system world-class again, rejuvenating our preschools, schools and TAFE.
We’ll repair and rebuild our health system after 12 years of neglect.
We’ll increase access to affordable and reliable transport and cap road tolls to reduce the burden on the family budget.
We’ll create a state-owned clean energy corporation to deliver cleaner and more reliable energy.
And we’ll build an economy that is resilient and works for people and small businesses – not the other way around.
Record debt under Liberals
If we win on March 25, the Liberals will leave us the largest debt ever handed from one government to another in NSW.
Twelve years ago debt was $32 billion. Now it’s heading to $187 billion. Yet the Liberals continue to make promises they can’t afford – $50 billion of unfunded infrastructure in the last few weeks.
They have only two options – plunge us deeper into debt or privatise more public assets. Last week it was revealed the Liberals have already started preparations for the sale of Sydney Water.
Only NSW Labor will protect your public assets and end privatisation.
Antisemitism is at the highest level ever recorded. We must confront this issue now. So Labor will spend $15 million on the safety of religious buildings and invest an additional $5 million to expand the Sydney Jewish Museum.
I will establish a Premier’s prevention panel on racism and extremism to tackle the issue at every level – from stopping hate crimes through to religious bullying in schools.
Labor ready to govern
Twelve years is a long time for one political party to be in power. So you have to be a really great government to deserve another four. And this is not a great government.
This state needs energetic and committed people to confront the challenges ahead. It needs new ideas, new policies and new blood.
I can proudly say Labor is ready to return to government in NSW. We have done the work and are hungry for the challenges of office.
NSW Labor is ready to deliver a fresh start for NSW if we are given the privilege of governing after the election.
Chris Minns is the NSW Opposition Leader.