Samowitz a product of the program

For the past few years the focus has been on encouraging non-Jewish people to attend MOTL and Samowitz plans to continue that.

Gary Samowitz with Holocaust survivor Abe Goldberg.
Gary Samowitz with Holocaust survivor Abe Goldberg.

New March of the Living (MOTL) Australia CEO Gary Samowitz hopes to increase the number of non-Jewish people participating in the program, while also focusing on responsible Holocaust education.

Samowitz, who served as CEO of Stand Up for a decade before stints with the Hakoah Club and Jewish Arts Quarter, takes over from Cedric Geffen. Geffen has just returned from leading his ninth MOTL delegation.

For the past few years the focus has been on encouraging non-Jewish people to attend MOTL and Samowitz plans to continue that.

“Jews know about the Holocaust,” Samowitz said.

“We learn about it, we talk about it at our Shabbos tables with our grandparents – it’s deeply ingrained in who we are. When we talk about Holocaust education, it’s really about educating wider society about the dangers of racism and antisemitism. When no one has the courage to speak out against racism look what can happen.”

Samowitz said he is the product of MOTL, having previously served as head madrich for the year 11 program in 2006.

“I can think of dozens of examples of people who’ve gone on MOTL and have come back and really committed to being involved in anti-racism work and in Jewish community work,” Samowitz said.

“I’m one of them.”

Having travelled to Poland and been to Auschwitz, Samowitz said the experience can be overwhelming and needs to be managed appropriately.

“Holocaust education needs to be done responsibly and I plan to really put a lot of measures in place to make sure our programs are done in a safe way so people don’t feel traumatised,” Samowitz said.

“I feel excited and honoured to be taking programs to Poland and Israel and to be educating others about the Holocaust and the dangers of antisemitism.

“Exposing more people to what happens when racism and discrimination are allowed to fester unchecked will hopefully inspire them to not be bystanders to what is happening in the world today.”

Geffen, who remains a board director, said he is proud to pass on the baton of leadership “to such an esteemed and accomplished alumnus of the program”.

“Intergenerational succession is the key to growth and sustainability and I am totally confident that with Gary at the helm, MOTL Australia will grow from strength to strength,” Geffen said.

“This is a momentous and celebratory occasion for our organisation.”

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