Senior management change

'I love working at Wolper and I love the community feel we all share here.'

From left: John Tucker, Richard Glass and Tina Boger.

AFTER eight years at the helm of Australia’s only Jewish hospital, CEO of the Wolper Jewish Hospital John Tucker is retiring to Brisbane.

Wolper president Richard Glass said Tucker has been an “outstanding leader” and announced Tina Boger would step into the role.

“John has led with both commitment and compassion, and we wish him a lengthy and healthy retirement,” Glass said.

Tucker said his time at Wolper has been, “extremely fulfilling, both from a work and a team perspective”.

“Working closely with the broader Jewish community and its many exceptional organisations has also been an honour. I am delighted that Tina Boger has been appointed as general manager to succeed me.”

Boger has been the hospital’s director of clinical services (DCS) since 2015, having previously worked at East Sydney Private Hospital and at Ramsay Healthcare for the 15 years. As DCS, Boger will continue to have overall responsibility for the management, planning and evaluation of all clinical aspects of the hospital including compliance with external guidelines and policies.

“I love working at Wolper and I love the community feel we all share here,” Boger said.

“I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to lead the organisation.”

Glass said it was important the appointment of Boger was an internal one.

“Ensuring that Tina is able to maintain that focus moving forward is essential, and to that end we have boosted the management ranks with the appointment of a business manager, reporting to Tina, to focus on the more operational aspects of Wolper and free her to continue her focus on clinical excellence,” he said.

The role of business manager has been filled by Tina Sinclair, an extremely capable industry veteran with broad healthcare experience having worked in, and consulted to, both the public health and private hospital sector.

As part of the restructure, deputy director clinical services and infection control coordinator Anderw Driehuis will also oversee the management of inpatient rehabilitation and cleaning staff, supporting Marcelle Segal in her role as manager rehabilitation services. Cody Kane continues as physiotherapy and day services manager.

As the only not-for-profit Jewish hospital in Australia, Wolper’s aim is to provide the highest standard of medical, palliative care and rehabilitation services to all members of the community within a framework of Jewish culture, religious and dietary requirements.

Wolper also aims to cater to the health and welfare needs of the community by providing quality hospital services, community health programs, community assistance and other services.

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