Serving the community with Flare
The Flamm family is well known for its involvement in Jewish communal activities and for its support of Israel.

SERVING the community has been at the heart of Alex Flamm’s real estate career for more than 25 years, especially during the past 12 years running Hodges Caulfield, where he was revered as the patriarch of the business.
That passion continues with this week’s launch of a new business, Flare Real Estate, where Alex is still actively involved as a director and officer in effective control, but his children Oren, Golan and Eilat are now driving the business, helped by 15 key staff members from Hodges Caulfield, which ceased operations last week.
“My children wanted to reinvent the business as an independent, community-
based real estate agency that services and contributes to both the Jewish community and the broader community,” Alex told The AJN.
“We engaged a marketing company which came up with a new vision and a brilliant new name, Flare, which represents ‘Fla’ for Flamm and ‘re’ for real estate.
“It also represents the way we operate with flair, gusto, enthusiasm and more panache than the average real estate agency.

“Our business is very community minded – the Jewish community is very close to my heart and the hearts of my children. And we treat all our staff like family.”
Flare Real Estate is based in a new state-of-the-art office at 137 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield.
“Hodges Caulfield has been transformed into a bigger and better real estate agency as Flare,” said Alex, who is excited about being part of a new chapter in his career.
“I will always be available to use my knowledge and experience to assist and help grow the Flare brand.
“Our focus is to service our community, but when it comes to real estate we are able to cater for a much larger geographic area.”
The Flamm family is well known for its involvement in Jewish communal activities and for its support of Israel.
Oren, the operational manager, is a graduate from Leibler Yavneh College, played sport with AJAX and spent time in Israel before embarking on his real estate career more than 20 years ago.
Golan heads the sales department and combines his love for work with his devotion to friends, family and football (Essendon), keeping fit and living life to the full.
After working as a solicitor for more than 10 years, Eilat decided to follow in the footsteps of other family members and joined Hodges Caulfield in 2014. She continues as rental department manager at Flare Real Estate.
Oren, Golan and Eilat are directors of Flare Real Estate, which will predominantly work in the areas of residential sales and residential rentals, but staff will also provide advice to members of the community seeking help with property-related issues.
“We have always been willing to share our knowledge with the community in order to help them,” explained Alex.
“Real estate is not only about property but about people. And we treat the public in the same way that we expect to be treated by our own families.
“For our experienced staff it’s all about teamwork that makes the business a success.”
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