
Shay Klein – The A-Team feeding the IDF in the South

Maurice Klein speaks with his cousin Shay Klein in Israel, who with hundreds of volunteers and donors has joined Tzachi Kafri and “The A-Team” setting up a temporary food station to feed and provide some comforts for the IDF soldiers preparing for the incursion into Gaza. From an operation that catered feeding one thousand soldiers a day in the first couple of days of the war, “The A-Team” initiative is now feeding upwards of 22,000 soldiers every day. This is another story about the people who live in Israel, where troubles such as Wars always unite the people of Israel, it seems…  As we hear from Shay, EVERYTHING is being donated to support the IDF defenders of Israel, and we here in Australia and around the world can also support our IDF soldiers and “The A-Team”. There is a bank account that we can all donate to THE ASSOCIATION FOR SWORDS OF IRON WAR WARRIORS: Bank Leumi leIsrael B.M. Branch 626 IBAN IL 3001006260000001933594. You can view a number of videos of “The A-Team” at work on the Maurice Klein Facebook page, click on scroll down and be proud. Be inspired.  DONATE!
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Am Yisrael Chai   PEACE   L’Chaim

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